Tag Death Knights

John Barrymore January 09, 2024 4 minutes
Explore the four generations of Death Knights in World of Warcraft, from their origins and creation by Gul'dan and Ner'zhul to their transformation under Arthas Menethil and Bolvar Fordragon. Learn how each generation differs and how they can be encountered in-game, including boss battles and storylines. Discover the intriguing lore behind these powerful undead warriors and their role in the ongoing conflicts of Azeroth.
John Barrymore December 18, 2023 4 minutes
In an interview with game developers, Lead Combat Designer Jade Martin and Game Producer George Velev, details are shared about the upcoming San'layn Hero Talents for Blood and Unholy Death Knights. The interview highlights the goal of Hero Talents, new options for pet summoning and disease builds, and concerns about talent convolution and repetitive gameplay.